samedi 7 novembre 2009

Interview de bloggueuse : Anna-Maria, de Fashion Flux

Interview de la Divine Anna-Maria, du blog Fashion Flux ! J'adore son style car elle mise très souvent sur des couleurs neutres et travaille son style dans l'harmonie des formes. Anna-Maria maitrise très bien la géométrie complexe de certains pièces et donne toujours un équilibre délicat à ses tenues. Elle passe du look romantique au look rock en un battement de cil, et les deux lui vont à merveille ! Je lui ai posé quelques questions, et voici ses réponses :

1) Can you quickly describe your blog and introduce yourself ?

My name is Anna-Maria and I'm a 27 year old style blogger from Finland. I've been running my blog Fashion Flux for about year now and basically it's about me and my style choices, my inspirations, fashion and some music as well.

2) Where do you get your inspiration ?

I get inspired by many things around me. An inspiration for an outfit can come from music, my past, blogs, movies, catwalk shows, magazines, street style and the daily things that I'm surrounded by. Sometimes inpiration can be driven from an old piece of clothing that I forgot even owning and I end up creating an outfit around that fits its mood.

3) What is your favorite movie / song / book ?

I'm actually a huge movie freak and watch movies almost on a daily basis, so it's really hard to name an absolute all time favorite. Perhaps it would be easier to name my favorite director who is Woody Allen (his old ones are the best!). From the recent movies (non-Woody Allen) I've watched, I really enjoyed Brothers Bloom. Not only had it a great story line and cast, but the costumes were amazing and so inspiring. I need more hats!

With music the same things applies as with movies - it's really hard to pick an absolute favorite. Let me think which song I could play with a repeat without ever getting would probably have to be either Depeche Mode's "Not Tonight" or The Cure's "Disintegration". Hard to choose between those two.

4) How much do you spend on clothes every month, on average?

My spending habits vary each month. There can be months when I don't spend a dime and then months when I spend it all. Usually I buy in bigger bundles whilst traveling (especially in Stockholm) or do some online shopping. My monthly budget can vary from 0 Euros up to 1500 Euros, so and so.

5) What's your fashion philosophy ?

I think my previous answer actually already covered this one but my fashion philosophy is to buy seldomly, consider every purchase I make extra-carefully, and usually buy things I need in bigger bundles while traveling (=Finland is expensive and has limited sources). My online purchases are usually within the philosophy "get one great piece once in awhile, if it's really worth it". I guess this works because nowadays I hardly ever regret my purchases.

6) Do you have icons ?

I really like Kate Lanphear and Kate Moss' style but I don't idolize them or anything. They are just an inspiration source amogst many.

7) When it comes to fashion, what would you never wear ?

My motto is "never say never". The only thing where I draw the line is if something doesn't suit my own personal style or just looks absolutely ridiculous on me.

8) A small list of other blogs you love ?

There are so many great blogs out there and I follow so many but here are some of the blogs I use as an inpiration source (aside from your own, of course;):

From Finland:

Paras aika vuodesta (
From other countries:

Fashion Toast (
Caroline's mode (

14 commentaires:

Clem a dit…

je connaissais deja ce blog, excellent choix d'interviews, j'aime beaucoup le style Anna-Maria :)

Annachiara Savio a dit…

You're all your outfits :-)

Izumihiiiflower a dit…

elle a vraiment la classe
tout les styles lui vont <3
je veu son t shirt rose <3

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour !!
j'aurais besoin de ton avis et de celle des filles qui suivent ton blog , pours choisir une tenue ! alors je vous demande de bien prendre le temps de passer sur mon blog et de me donner votre avis !
j'en ai vraiment besoin car j'hesite ! merci pour ta comprehension ! et bonne continuation !!

Anonyme a dit…

merci de m'avoir donner ton avis !! ^^

Nelly a dit…

Great sense of style! Very interesting. Thank you for posting!


Anna-Maria a dit…

Thank you for featuring me and thank you everyone for the lovely comments!


Aurélie a dit…

hihi c'est cool tes interviews in english, ca me fait des révisions^^

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